New guest blog: Rights of pregnant persons are also at stake in the Netherlands, and not just by abortion regulations
The Netherlands is one of the few countries where home births, with the assistance of a midwife, are a well-regulated, integral part of maternity care. Dutch law recognises the autonomous power of the midwife and midwives are trained as independent medical practitioners which allows them to supervise deliveries at home.
However, with a new healthcare funding scheme, this option of giving birth at home is most likely to become unavailable in certain parts of the country. As Franka Cadée, president of the International Confederation of Midwives, explains in Dutch newspaper Trouw this Spring, with the introduction of this ‘integral funding scheme’ midwives will no longer be able to work independently. Instead, they will be completely dependent on hospitals.
As we know from other countries this leads to the end of independent, small scale maternity care and to a further medicalization of childbirth. And this is highly problematic, not only with regard to rights of persons in childbirth, but also with regard to the obligations that the Netherlands has under various human rights treaties.
Register for the 33rd ICM Triennial Congress in Bali, Indonesia!
It will have been six years since ICM’s last in-person global gathering, and we are so honoured and excited to come together with you for this momentous occasion! The theme for the 2023 Congress, 'Together again: from evidence to reality,' reflects our excitement for face-to-face engagement and points to the work we’re undertaking to implement the evidence which continues to demonstrate the investment case for midwives.
Visit the ICM Triennial Congress event page to see registration fees, packages and deadlines, and to complete your registration.
Access the Small and Sick Newborn Care Toolkit
Newborn deaths account for 45% of all under-five deaths globally. Complications of preterm births are the world’s biggest killer of children. In Sub-Saharan Africa, 1 million newborns die every year. 75% of these deaths are preventable. Success stories from across the world have shown that reduced mortality, in line with the Sustainable Development Goals, is achievable through the provision of small and sick newborn care. This requires a holistic approach across the whole healthcare system.
The Small and Sick Newborn Care Toolkit from Unicef and Nest360 is now available, bringing together knowledge, experiences, resources, and learnings for implementing small and sick newborn care services. The Implementation Toolkit is an open-access resource with contributions from more than 300 implementers around the world.
If you have materials that could complement the Implementation Toolkit, e-mail and help expand the Implementation Toolkit for Small & Sick Newborn Care!
Have you donated to WithWomen Charity?
WithWomen Charity improves women's access to resourced, supported midwives by means of quality standards, global advocacy and unified action.
In May of this year, ICM announced a partnership with the newly launched WithWomen charity. WithWomen will raise vital funds towards elevating the practice of midwifery and improving the birth experience for women and birthing people everywhere.
WithWomen is the first global fundraising platform providing individual donors with the opportunity to directly support the life-enhancing, life-saving work of ICM and its more than 140 midwives’ associations.
The funds raised by WithWomen will be used towards:
Strengthening education of midwives around the world.
Providing direct, financial support to member associations in need, particularly those impacted by climate and/or humanitarian crisis.
Call for Abstracts: World Polio Day 2022 and Beyond: a healthier future for mothers and children
On 21 & 22 October 2022, WHO and Rotary International will hold a joint reunion in Geneva, Switzerland, at the WHO Headquarters. The meeting is focused on Polio and Mother and Child Health. The objective of the “World Polio Day 2022 and Beyond” event is to focus on the “beyond,” highlighting the added value of building on the investments already made in polio eradication and by its extension the immunization agenda. These investments have supported the work force to not only vaccinate but also strengthen the capacity to track suspect cases, diagnose them with additional investments in laboratories, and to monitor overall programmatic performance towards its goal.
Interested persons wishing to present a project may send their abstract with the requirements as follows:
- Consisting of 250 words format for a 7 minute presentation and indicating the country where the project is taking place and the Society sponsoring the project (if applicable) (please use WORD and avoid photographs or videos)
- Send the abstract to Dr. Pierre Hoffmeyer ( and Dr. Anshu Banerjee
August Board Briefer
Provided by Ann Kinnear (representing Western Pacific) and Emi Nurjasmi (representing Southeast Asia)
The ICM Board met on 18 August 2022 by zoom. Reports were received from the Governance Committee and the Finance Audit and Risk Committee. The Governance Committee is focused on assessing the nominees for the Independent Election Committee followed by a large workplan ahead of Board elections in 2023. The Finance Audit and Risk Committee reviewed the financial statements from the first quarter of 2022 and received an update on the resource mobilisation plan.
The Board approved the Finance Report for the first quarter of 2022. ICM continues to experience some difficulty in the delivery of projects arising from the restrictions related to the pandemic. This should improve over the coming months as activity increases. The cost recovery process has been scrutinized.
The Board noted a report about the appointments to the Regional Professional Committees.
The Board also received a report updating the status of those Associations suspended by Council. It is good news that three associations have re-joined, and it is hoped the remainder will do so as well.
The agenda for the October Board week to be held in The Hague was discussed. It will be the first time that the Board has met face-to-face this triennium. It is planned to spend some time with Head Office staff and social time with each other.